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Questions with answer:

Most common method for measurement of low resistance is?
Ans: Kelvin`s double bridge.

W     Which instrument will be used for measure the temperature above 1600`c ?
Ans: Thermo-electric pyrometer.
Electrostatics instrument uses the principle of the variation of? 
Ans: Inductance with the voltage.

2.    The magnitude of beam current in CRT can be adjusted by a front panel control marked?
Ans: Intensity.

3.    The dielectric material in placed in between the plates of a capacitor, it?
Ans: Increase the capacitance.

4.    Wein Bridge finds applications in?
Ans: frequency determination and harmonics distortion analyzer.

5.    The basic principal of a D`Arsonval instrument is the same as the principle of a ?
Ans: PMMC instrument.


8.              Which of following is not used for DC measurements?
    Ans: Vibration galvanometer.

9.              Internal resistance of ammeter should be?
    Ans: very small

     DVM has 4 ½ digit display, the 1 volt range can read up to?
    Ans: 9999

    Wager earthing device?

     Ans. Make possible every high accuracy in measurement

     The unit for the deflection sensitivity of a CRO is?
     Ans. meter/volt

     Time base signal in a CRO?
    Ans. High frequency sawtooth waveform.

    The principal of operation of Q-meter is based on?
    Ans. series resonance

      A measure of the reproducibility of measurements is known as?
    Ans. Precision

      Strain gauge is a passive transducer and is used for converting mechanical displacement     into change in?
    Ans. Resistance

17. Current passing through a resistor of 100+- 0.2 ohm is2.00+-0.01A,
Computed value of power will be?
18. Two 300vdc voltmeter having resistance 15000 ohms and 500 ohm are connected in series,
The safe voltage which can be measured by this combination is?
Ans. 400v

19. Thermocouple instruments are also known as?
Ans. Rectifier instruments

20. Strain is defined as?
Ans. The deformation or change produced in dimension of body due to effect of stress on it, it is the ratio of change in dimension to the original dimension 

SHORT QUESTIONS - ANSWERS SHORT QUESTIONS - ANSWERS Reviewed by haru on December 05, 2011 Rating: 5

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