delay line in triggered sweep circuit
- delay line in triggered sweep circuit:
indicates the amplitude of the signal raise time and the relative position of the sweep generator output signal.The delay line in triggered sweep circuit as Fig 3.1
The diagram shows ,that when the delay line is not used, the initial part of the signal is lost and
only part of the signal is displayed. To counteract this disadvantage the signal is not applied
directly to the vertical plates but is passed through a delay line circuit, as shown in Fig.3.2.
"This gives time for the sweep to start at the horizontal plates before the signal has reached the vertical plates." The trigger pulse is picked off at a time to after the signal has passed through the main amplifier. The sweep generator delivers the sweep to the horizontal amplifier and the sweep
"This gives time for the sweep to start at the horizontal plates before the signal has reached the vertical plates." The trigger pulse is picked off at a time to after the signal has passed through the main amplifier. The sweep generator delivers the sweep to the horizontal amplifier and the sweep
starts at the HDP at time t0 + 80 ns. Hence the sweep starts in time, since the signal reaches
at the VDP at time t0 + 200 ns.
delay line in triggered sweep circuit
Reviewed by haru
March 18, 2012

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