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PART-1:- Basic embedded system designing 
   In a simple manner  embedded system is a system that can control some specific devices automatically or manually.To design an embedded system we need to follow these steps

1).  For any embedded system design the first requirement is the application, which we want to design
in practical.

2). Select the input and output devices which you want to interface (like input devices are sensors, switches etc., and output devices are motors, lcd display etc.,).

3).The input and output devices must be selected as per our requirements only.

4). Take out your required functioning and draw the simple block diagram of the system.

5). Draw the flow chart

6). Select the I/O devices and controller for your system.

7). write the functioning code in Embedded-C or in any language.. and check the functionality in KEIL simulation software.

8). Design your own circuit now. There are some important things while designing the circuit.
     i). Study the datasheets of the selected devices and find the operating voltage and current levels.
     ii). find if there is any requirement of oscillatory circuit.
     iii). choose the predefined parameters for the device for the  basic functionality. These predefined
          parameters are available in datasheets.
    iv). solder the main blocks first and do not insert any IC's into the baser until you check the voltage and
        currents in the baser.
    v). if every thing is properly soldered then insert IC's and then dump the program into the controller.
     vi). now check the functionality of the circuit.
        These steps will be explained with example in the PART-2...
Reviewed by haru on July 19, 2012 Rating: 5

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