Simple Electronic Talking Compass
A talking compass is made up using a Hall-effect direction sensor (MOD1) and an ISD1016 analog audio storage device.
Simple Electronic Talking Compass Circuit Diagram:
It is possible to program eight two-second announcements, for each of the eight main compass directions.The Talking Compass is comprised of a digital compass (MOD1), and ISD1016 analog storage de-vice (U2), a 74S188 preprogrammed PROM (U3), and a handful of additional components.
Simple Electronic Talking Compass Circuit Diagram:
It is possible to program eight two-second announcements, for each of the eight main compass directions.The Talking Compass is comprised of a digital compass (MOD1), and ISD1016 analog storage de-vice (U2), a 74S188 preprogrammed PROM (U3), and a handful of additional components.
Simple Electronic Talking Compass
Reviewed by haru
June 29, 2017

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