Simple and Basic RF Oscillator

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This basic circuit is simple to create and the tool's are not critical . Most of them can be found in your junk parts box.

Basic RF Oscillator Circuit Diagram:

Oscillator Circuit Diagram

The L1 antenna coil can be made by close winding 8 to 10 turns of 22 gauge insulated hookup wire around a 1/4 inch form such as a pencil. You can exeprement with the size of the copile and the number of  turns to see how it affects the frequency and singnal out put of the oscilatter.

You ought be able to pick up its signal with a standard FM radio receiver . The signal in ought be coupled by a disc capacitor of about 0.1 uF to stage in main of it.

Simple and Basic RF Oscillator Simple and Basic RF Oscillator Reviewed by haru on October 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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