Simple Sound VU Meter

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Here are very simple project of Sound VU Meter Circuit Diagram. This circuit is a sound level meter, very simple, but very effective for your sound system or test bench. This type of circuit is also called a VU meter. 'Abbreviation means "unit volume" is used to express that the average value of a music signal over a short period of time.

Sound VU Meter Circuit Diagram:

Sound VU Meter Circuit Diagram

The VU meter described here is what is called a type "passive". This means that does not require a separate power source, since the power is supplied by an input signal. This makes it easier to use:. Just connect it to the speaker terminals (polarity does not matter) and is ready to use.
Simple Sound VU Meter Simple Sound VU Meter Reviewed by haru on October 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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