Piezo-Powered Lamp Circuit Schematics

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Energy is becoming ever more expensive, and some fresh ideas are needed. There are already human-powered devices on the market, most of which employ a dynamo to generate power. It is also possible to recover energy from a piezo crystal of the sort found, for example, in the loudspeakers in greetings cards. Making use of this device is relatively straightforward.

Piezo-Powered Lamp Circuit Diagram:

Piezo-Powered Lamp Circuit Diagram

Piezo crystals can generate voltages of many tens of volts when given a firm enough prod with a finger to bend the  baseplate. The charge moved, however, is relatively small and the crystal is effectively a capacitor with a capacitance of only  around 20 nF to 50 nF. This means that we need larger-scale storage in the form of an electrolytic capacitor.

The piezo crystal can be treated as an alternating current source. We therefore need a rectifier and a reservoir capacitor. Pressing the metal surface of the transducer ten or twenty times with a finger will charge the electrolytic in steps to the point where it has enough charge to drive a LED. The circuit is a ‘charge pump’ in the full sense of the term.

When the button is pressed the electrolytic discharges into the LED, which emits a brief, but bright, flash of light.
Author : Burkhard Kainka - Copyright : Elektor
Piezo-Powered Lamp Circuit Schematics Piezo-Powered Lamp Circuit Schematics Reviewed by haru on July 07, 2012 Rating: 5

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