Simple 40 Watt Inverter

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This is the schematic of a simple 40W , 12 volts to 220 Volts inverter.You don’t believe, this is simple and cheap and working for me for last 4 years.The heart of the circuit is a CD 4047 IC which is wired as an astable multi vibrator here.Resistance and Capacitance at pin 1&2 determines the out put frequency.

Simple 40 Watt Inverter Circuit Diagram:

Inverter Circuit Diagram

Here it is set to 60Hz.Due to this a two 180 degree out of phase ,120 Hz , 50% duty cycle waveforms will appear at pin 10 & 11.These waves are amplified by the complementary symmetry amplifier made of transistors BC 337 & TIP 3055 to drive the out put transformer.Don’t get feared of the technical terms, just wire it on a all purpose PCB.It is simple and will work.Don’t worry about the transformer windings ,buy a 220-110-0 primary,12-0-12 secondary , <50W transformer.You can select output voltage of 110V or 220V by a two way switch using such a transformer.

Don’t worry if you don’t have such a transformer, a simple 220 to 12-0-12 will also do the trick sacrificing the 110V option or vice versa.The best way to get a transformer is to break all useless electronic devices in your trash.Most probably you will find the transformer or more components needed here!

Tips :
First wire to oscillator part only.Then check out put Pin 10 &11 of CD4047 to obtain the required wave forms ( two 120Hz ,180 degree out of phase,50% duty cycle waves.

Then connect transistors ,transformer and load (25 W bulb for test).See it working!.

Simple 40 Watt Inverter Simple 40 Watt Inverter Reviewed by haru on July 07, 2012 Rating: 5

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